Back in 2015, Wisconsin’s Republican
governor, Scott Walker, thought to burnish his culture warrior cred in
advance of a bid for the presidency by taking arms against the
University of Wisconsin.
Walker cut the state university’s budget. His hand-picked board of regents gutted tenure protections for its faculty.
and his legislative allies disdained the university’s traditional role
of producing broad-based academic scholarship to deepen its students’
understanding of the world and talked instead as though the university
were a glorified vocational or trade school — “connecting students and
workers with the skills needed in today’s workforce,” as a university
spokesperson put it at the time.
predicted that Walker’s policies would exacerbate a faculty flight
caused by the university’s low pay compared to that of its peer state
universities, while reducing its competitiveness for federal research
That’s exactly what happened. UW administrators said
their professors were being poached by academic institutions — not only
Ivy League schools and elite public institutions, but universities that
could never have hoped to attract Wisconsin faculty in the past.
Local newspapers and education journals published columns by UW teachers
explaining regretfully why they were leaving the state. Retention bonuses paid to dissuade valued professors from moving
soared into the millions.
The university slid down the rankings of
recipients of federal research and development grants
— from 10th among recipients of National Science Foundation grants in
2010 to 16th in 2021. The university’s overall research and development
spending, the third-highest in the country in 2010, fell to eighth in
Walker’s presidential aspirations didn’t last long. He
announced his candidacy for the GOP nomination in mid-July 2016 and was
out of the race by the third week of September. He did leave a
significant partisan legacy, however: His model for appealing to a rabid
far-right electoral base by targeting higher education institutions and
their faculty has been taken up by Republican politicians in
North Carolina,
Tennessee and
Texas. You can expect the movement to expand, spreading intellectual benightment across red-state America.
its most common form, these attacks focus on efforts to foster
diversity, equity and inclusion on campus. Banning “DEI” has become a
rallying cry for the mob, augmenting attacks on the previous shibboleth
of critical race theory.
In Florida,
House Bill 999
would bar any program espousing “diversity, equity, and inclusion or
Critical Race Theory.” Majors and minors involving “Critical Race
Theory, Gender Studies, or Intersectionality, or any derivative major or
minor of these belief systems” are outlawed. (“Intersectionality” is
the concept that race, class and gender are all interrelated in ways
that can foster discrimination and social oppression.)
strictures and others are invariably paired with the evisceration of
tenure protection. The reason is obvious: Restrictions couldn’t be
imposed on university faculty members unless the teachers feared for
their livelihoods if they flouted the rules. Tenure is what protects
teachers from punishment for resisting political interference, so it has
to go.
The changes in tenure rules take many forms. Some allow
for reviews of tenure grants after specified periods — five years, say,
or even annually. Others take the decisions out of the hands of
departments and turn them over to university presidents or even boards
of regents — in other words, taking the decisions away from those with
expertise in a given applicant’s field and handing them to political
Sen Ben Sasse, a Nebraska Republican, questioning U.S Supreme Court
nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson during Jackson’s confirmation hearings in
March 2022. The choice of Sasse to lead the University of Florida
was protested by students and faculty. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images/TNS)
Alfred Soto of Florida International University observes in
Humanizing the Vacuum,
his indispensable blog about art and (mostly Florida) politics, that if
House Bill 999 is enacted it will mean that “Ben Sasse, [the]
University of Florida’s freshly appointed president, will suddenly
become an expert in approving the hiring of molecular biology,
journalism, and economics faculty.”
You remember Sasse, don’t
you? He was the GOP senator from Nebraska who was appointed to his new
post despite having few visible qualifications other than a Republican
Tenure “reformers” typically describe their goals as
depriving undeserving layabouts of an unwarranted privilege. Texas Lt.
Gov. Dan Patrick, a driving force behind a bill that would permanently
forbid public universities in the state to grant tenure to any new hires,
explained after the Senate passed the tenure bill that “tenured
university professors are the only people in our society that have
the guarantee of a job.”
added that “it has become abundantly clear that some tenured faculty at
Texas universities feel immune to oversight from the legislature and
their respective board of regents. These professors claim ‘academic
freedom’ and hide behind their tenure to continue blatantly advancing
their agenda of societal division. ... These professors, who live inside
a bubble, genuinely believe they are not accountable to anyone.”
Patrick, by the way, labeled the bill “bipartisan.” This was what Mark Twain would describe as a “stretcher”: The measure
passed the Senate 17-11,
with every Republican in favor and every Democrat but one voting
against it. (The lone Democratic yea voter, César Blanco of El Paso,
said he voted in favor because he believes
tenure has perpetuated racist discrimination in faculty hiring.)
Pressures of a Different Kind
fair to say that even in some blue states, public higher education is
under pressure — mostly financial. In California, where the university’s
independence from political influence is written into the state
constitution, lawmakers have systematically reduced its support from the
state budget.
The slack has been taken up by higher tuition — never mind that UC was
free to qualified applicants
until after Ronald Reagan became governor in 1967. (Reagan’s key
campaign issue was the failure of Gov. Pat Brown to quell student
disorders at UC Berkeley.)
Adjusted for inflation, average
tuition increased from 2008 to 2018 in every state system, by a
nationwide average of 37 percent,
according to the College Board.
The increases ranged from about 107 percent in Louisiana to 5.2 percent
in Ohio. At the University of California, tuition for in-state students
increased by about 54 percent in that time span, and for out-of-state
students by more than 58 percent.
Blue states, however, haven’t
typically imposed ideological litmus tests on their faculty. They
haven’t enlisted teachers or administrators in their inane movements to
whitewash American history, say by mandating a view of America’s
founding defined as “the creation of a new nation based on universal
principles stated in the Declaration of Independence,” as Florida’s
House Bill 999 would do.
They haven’t proposed banning
“trainings, programs, or activities designed or implemented in reference
to race, color, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual orientation,” as
a bill passed entirely along party lines in Texas would do.
most insidious about these measures, whether enacted or proposed, is
that they’re not designed to address real-world issues in anything
resembling a constructive way. Diversity, equity and inclusion are
legitimate concerns, but they aren’t addressed by pretending they don’t
Instead, the goal is intimidation. Most of these laws are
written so vaguely that college professors don’t know where the lines
"Faculty are terrified,"
Soto wrote in February, after SB 999 was introduced. Teachers and
administrators are wary of speaking out, for fear they’ll be brought up
on charges for crossing some invisible line.
Universities in
these states are on the glide path to uselessness, especially since the
assault on higher education is unfolding in the same states that are at
war with women’s reproductive health and voting rights. Already we have
seen faculty candidates, college-age students and medical professionals
checking these states off their lists.
This trend is almost
certain to get worse before it gets better as America devolves into two
countries: one that nurtures brainpower and one that watches proudly as
it drains away.
©2023 Los Angeles Times. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. Michael Hiltzik is a columnist for the Los Angeles Times.